Friday 10 December 2021

 Just a quick update to prove that I am still around and would respond to questions added here

go to 

     to see my main workspace.

There have been great developments over the last couple of years

Thursday 12 May 2016

I am just testing out this aspect of the site

I have recently got together a lot of my science and philosophy ideas and put them together in a paper

"Rethinking our route to a theory of everything"

This is on my main PB works website and is open to all to read but not to comment here is a place where anyone can comment

Tuesday 2 October 2012

I have not been here for quite some time and want confirm that I am still interested in questions on my PB Works main site if you have your own PB works pages you may be able to comment directly but otherwise send me an email or add a comment to this blog.

Thursday 9 April 2009

Update note

I have just extended and updated my first post which is the critical one.

Tuesday 17 March 2009

This is set up as a starter so that people can add comments to my Wiki based website at

Anyone can read this wiki but no one has any writing privileges there. I welcome all sorts of comments here and will try to get back to any questions reasonably quickly.

One of my important interests is Evolutionary Philosophy.

This is a topic that is particularly active on this Darwin Anniversary year.

It starts with the concepts of Darwinian evolution of life on Earth including the modern systems concepts that show beyond the basic "survival of the fittest" a system needs to have the ability to evolve and the ability to cooperate when the situation arises. This results in a complex ecology of different species in an environment.

This concept can then be extended forward to include the basis of human interactions.

More significantly it can be extended backwards to the origins of our universe and the physical laws that control everything. The big argument is that the improbable balance of many critical parameters in the laws of physics that led to stable atoms stars and life did not happen as a random chance but evolved as the universe cooled from the big bang and uncertainties diminished by "choosing" a path that maximised recycling and enabling evolution.